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Spreading the love for Cloud technology and Board Games

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Munckin: The borderline of Hell

Munchkin is an award-winning card game released in 2001 by the legendary game designer Steve Jackson…

My journey on Cloud Quest

Once I heard about Cloud Quest on the latest AWS summit I was intrigued. Not just because the name i…

Introduction to AWS CodeCatalyst

Over the week, I had the opportunity to do some hands-on research about one of the latest cloud serv…

Why 7 Wonders is almost the perfect Board Game

Introduction Back in 2013 I was part of a board game group that used to meetup in the library once e…

How I elevated my AWS-hosted blog

When I first started out with making a blog the first thing on my mind was to make use of the static…

My Recommendations


It doesn’t matter if you are new to AWS or have been working with their services for several years. This is the place you go to find detailed information about all services and their configuration.

Board Game Geek

This is the best site for finding new games or to search for an old one you play that time long ago. It also features a nice profile management where you can organize games you own, games you want to sell or games you are looking to buy.


Whenever I look to learn a new skill or to study for a certification I always find what im look for at Udemy.