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Did you just say Babefish?


Yes. Babelfish. Nothing fishy about it. An open-source tool supported by Amazon to ease your integration between legacy applications and Aurora PostgreSQL. Let’s conquer the field of database migration and why Babelfish is our greatest companion in those adventures.

In our life of databases we are running with a large choices of databases, MS SQL,
MongoDB, GraphQL and much more. Making that decision is tough, but an even tougher decision
may be to migrate your database to the cloud. So you went with Aurora on AWS. Aurora is an awesome high-performance scalable relational database. But it does only support MySQL and PostgreSQL. A bit less than you might have thought. Now you might be up for a challenge as your existing application are integrating to an MS SQL database. Amazon have great guides on how this can be handled through AWS Database Migration Service. I will not cover this here as im sure you will overcome that challenge.

Now that you have migrated all that is left is to modify any existing integration to that data going from your application. When I say integration it is not only the endpoint to what database we talk to. We need to rewrite ALL of our queries to fit into that. You are spending weeks to rewrite all your SQL-queries in configuration files and code, performing integration tests, debugging and all you wanted was a new toy in the cloud.