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My Cloud Christmas Gift


Ho ho ho. We are heading towards the end of the year and Christmas are closing in.
And as the tradition goes I would also like to offer all you readers a gift of my own.

I made this blog around a month ago with zero minor knowledge in frontend. What I did find out though that I didn’t need to pay for a web hotel in order to post my own content. Instead, I could leverage my knowledge of cloud and host a static page through AWS S3. The costs are close to none with such a small size of content and that the first year of Free tier should cover any uncertainties. My only optional cost would be if I want to prettify the URL for the blog by applying for a DNS from AWS Route 53. But I will provide a short demo of how you can set up your own blog with AWS with no experience.

First, with the assumption that you have an account on AWS, create a bucket on S3 where
you want to host your webpage.

Go to Properties and then Static website hosting, choose Edit. Choose Use this bucket to host a website.
Under Static website hosting, choose Enable. In Index document, enter the file name of the index document, typically index.html.

Your homepage URL can be found under Properties for your index file or by following

So how can we get some content? Well, im no Frontend-guru but my best advice is to make a template online and download it into a HTML/CSS/Javascript format. There are a ton of free sites like that but I went with

See how easy this was? From there you can just go on and modify your page. Maybe you have an even better way of creating the content. Feel free to have fun with your new free host.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!