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We Are Back!

After some hiatus in 2022 due to a number of private matters such we are now alive and kicking! With some fresh new design and using a new webpage development tool for easier management we have now left the old html/css hacking in the past. Still leveraged on AWS S3 though.

Not only do we have a ton of cool articles to post but also new topics on Board games that I would like to share with all you readers. I recently participated in a podcast to talk about Cloud and my career path going from a Developer to a Cloud Architect. This has inspired me and I hope to do more of that. Maybe even arrange some interviews of my own. Link can be found below.

Link for Spotify
Link for Podcaster

We also have the upcoming AWS Summit in Stockholm, Sweden on May 11th to look forward to. I will try to gather som recaps from it. There are a few new services that will probably see some light, such as AWS Verified Access, but most likely there will be updates to all of the existing services. My bet is that the focus will be on AI driven services or services that use Machine Learning to improve executions, analysis and decision making.

Lots of fun things to look forward to!